As a result of a number of unfortunate circumstances, including the rising cost of living, Danny ends up homeless as a cold UK winter is approaching. In a desperate need for a warm bed for the night he couch surfs, sleeps at work, on tube, and wherever else he can find. Through his tinder hookups and wanderings in town, Danny will make connections that will change his life.
Set in modern day London, majority of the scenes will take place during the nighttime, amplifying Danny's sense of loneliness . Think ‘Taxi Driver’. Starting in a lo-fi style akin to early Safdie Brothers’ 'Heaven Knows What' or the raw visual aesthetic of Eliza Hittman’s 'Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Always’, the visuals are simple, grey and non-cinematic. As the story progresses visuals are getting richer in colour, setting and characters, as does Danny’s life.